
Sashimi, Fresh meat

  • Oxygen Absorber
  • Organic Oxygen Absorber
  • Sandry Fish Boards

Spoilage of fresh meats

Meats are highly perishable food products because of dynamic changes including microbial spoilage, various oxidation states of the myoglobin pigment, and fat oxidation that occur In fresh meats. Fresh meats contain an abundance of available nutrients required for the growth of. Fresh meats such as beef, pork and lamb also have pH values within the growth range of most microorganisms. Most microbial contamination of muscle tissue, therefore, occurs during handling through distribution and storage or fabrication into primal, subprimal and consumer-unit cuts. Nonspoiled meats most often have a varied flora which represents the organisms that existed in the original environment of the product in question, or contaminants piclted up during processing, handling, packaging, and storage. Fresh meats arenormally held at refrigerated temperatures (0-5°C) where microbial spoilage
begins upon prolonged storage at these temperatures.

Cuts coming from the usual channels of processing and packaging in O2- permeable films normally have retail shelf life of 3-6 days limited by an undesirable color change and microbial growth leading to spoilage. Bacterial spoilage of refrigerator-stored fresh meats is a surface phenomenonreflective of external contaminants. There are fewer genera of bacteria in spoiled meats than on fresh meat, because the temperature selects for specific organisms. Spoilage of retail display trayoverwrapped fresh meat is generally from aerobic microorganisms, predominantly Pseudomonas and Moraxella-Acinetobacter species. They grow the fastest and utilize glucose at refrigerated temperatures, and hence, possess the capacity to outcompete members of other genera. Brochotrix thermosphacta also utilizes glucose but because of its slower growth rate, it is a poor competitor to the. Spoilage caused by Pseudomonas is essentially surface sliminess. The first evidence of spoilage is the development of discoloration. Odors can also be detected when the surface bacterial count is greater than log 7.0.


Preservation of fresh meats by using Sandry oxygen absorber

Meat preservation involves application of measures to prevent or retard the microbiological, physical and chemical processes that make the meat unusable as a food or which reduce the quality aspect of it. Some of these measures include the use of oxygen absorber in packaging and storage procedures. Recently, there has been a renewed interest in the storage of meat in packaging with oxygen absorber as a means of retarding microbial spoilage and controlling the color of the meat.

Atmospheres high in O2 will provide normal bloomed color for only short distribution periods after which deleterious oxidative rancidity, microbial activity and color changes reduce acceptability of the fresh meat. Using Sandry oxygen absorber currently is a preferred means of packaging fresh meat meant for long-distance transportation because oxygen absorber will absorbs oxygen and thus minimizes shrink loss, discoloration and microbial growth compared to the shipment of either unprotected wholesale cuts or carcasses.

Oxygen Absorber


Sushi, a favorite Japanese cuisine, has become extremely popular in the U.S. in recent years and consists of raw fish and cooked vinegared rice. The origin of sushi began in Southeast Asia, but todays version was created by Hanaya Yohei (1799-1858) as a form of fast food to be eaten soon after purchase with ones hands.

The first appearance of Sushi in America was in 1953, served at the Japanese Embassy in Washington. Sashimi, a Japanese delicacy, is fresh fish served sliced very thin without the vinegar rice that defines sushi.


 How to store Sashimi to extend its shelf life?

Because sushi and sashimi are consumed raw, the bacteria may grow and become dangerous if left out. Thus, in order to maintain the shelf life and protect the products from spoilage, manufacturers inserts the oxygen absorber into every packet of sashimi.

Oxygen causes oxidation, which results in oils and fats becoming rancid, color and nutritive changes, and staleness. When removing the oxygen from a package manufacturers both eliminate the effects of oxidation and prevent growth of oxygen-dependent organisms like mold and bugs. The oxygen absorber inside sashimi packages are vital for the product, as they help sashimi last longer on the shelf while controlling mold and bacteria in the package.

Manufacturers find it’s more effective than gas flushing, and it’s a less complex process for extending shelf life and limiting the growth of aerobic spoilage organisms. Oxygen absorbers, which are especially popular in the market, also protect against loss of color and flavor. Oxygen absorbers are easy to insert and irreversibly absorb oxygen inside sealed packaging to less than 0.1 percent. Aerobic (those who need oxygen to survive) bacteria cannot live in an atmosphere devoid of oxygen. So, a lack of oxygen prevents the sashimi from rotting. For manufacturers and consumers, this means fresher sashimi which means a longer shelf life. These oxygen absorber sachets also can provide customers with peace of mind that the quality of the product is important with the investment in the packets in the packaging.

Detecting metal while sidestepping in-pack oxygen absorbers

Until now, manufacturers could not use a metal detector to check packaged goods that contained oxygen absorber sachets. Oxygen absorber sachets are designed to remove oxygen from within food packaging, enabling shelf life to be extended. These sachets contain metallic powder that reacts with and reduces oxygen contained within the packaging. Because they contain fine powered iron filings, they present a challenge to food inspection metal detectors. Due to their strong metallic signature however, having these oxygen absorber  sachets present means that metal detectors cannot be used for final product inspection.

The Sandry organic oxygen absorbers

For many manufacturers that are required to inspect the final packaged product, using organic oxygen absorbers has been the most popular solution. The organic oxygen absorber is able to pass through metal detectors because their main ingredients are organic-based substances. Besides, in the case of the freezing temperature of -18°C or lower, organic oxygen absorbers can be used. Under freezing, the oxygen absorbing speed becomes slow but when the temperature returns to room temperature, the oxygen absorbing speed returns to the original speed.

Organic Oxygen Absorber

Sandry Fish Boards