
SanDry sillicagel Indicator dessicant

SanDry sillicagel Indicator dessicant

Product Information

After packaging products, we cannot open to check. Therefore, many manufacturers usually use transparent packaging for checking the condition of the goods inside during storage by eyes. Some products use Desiccant Packs to absorb the maintained Oxygen in the packaging, thereby helping to preserve their products. However, the packaging is likely to be permeable to oxygen, or the packaging during storage or transportation is torn or needle-punched, making it very difficult to detect. To overcome this problem, Desiccant Pack with color indicator was born.

The outstanding features of the Color Indicator Desiccant Pack are as follows:

·       Capable of changing colors when in different humidity environments

·       The colors are clearly differentiated when the package is in two different environments.

·       There are the same full-function as the traditional desiccant pack and other desiccant packs

·       There are all kinds of packaging specifications, packing specifications, convenient for customers

·       Easily detect products with abnormally high moisture content during storage

·       Maximum control of defective products to consumers

Applications for products