
Mayonnaise sauce recipe by Hengsan Nature Food


Mayonnaise sauce is delicious and very attractive, an indispensable dish in every family kitchen. In today's video, Hengsan Nature Food would like to introduce the recipe for the Special Mayonnaise Sauce, which can only be made in 10 minutes, without eggs, but still delicious.

Materials to prepare for 100 grams of finished product include:

- Cooking oil part 1 is 27g

- Cooking oil part 2 is 25g

- Purified water: 41 grams

- Mixture of spices including 1 gram of vinegar, 1/2 gram of sugar, 1/2 gram of salt

- The final ingredient is SanDry Binder F43: 4 grams

SanDry Binder F43 is the special secret in Hengsan Nature Food's Maysonaise recipe, which helps the product to hold water and oil very well, creating a special fatty, rich and delicious Maysonnaise sauce.

For more good manipulations, go to our youtube channel to watch video tutorials:

The finished product is a soft, fluffy Maysonnaise with a greasy taste, without separation of water or oil.

In just 10 minutes and with very simple steps, you can have a Special Mayonnaise from SanDry Binder F43 - an all-natural product of Hengsan Nature Food. Please call our hotline 0901 701 702 for advice and to order our SanDry Binder F43 products.

Hengsan Nature Food always accompanies your family's delicious dishes.